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Writing A Compare And Contrast Essay – An Easy Guide

By Laura Brown on 22nd October 2020

What Is A Compare And Contrast Essay?

A compare and contrast essay is a piece of content which evaluates the similarities and differences between two comparative topics. These topics are of same subject or category yet have distinguishing characteristics. One may compare two kinds of plants, pets, theories, personalities or manuscripts. Comparison and contrast definition are two sides of the same coin, but they can give an entirely creative perspective to a context.

Compare And Contrast Essay Made Easy!

Students often think that writing an essay is all about elaborating a single topic. However, compositions also comprise a coherent discussion of two subjects. Many scholars find it difficult and buy essay online from a reliable agency while others love to write it down by themselves. Thus, below is an easy to follow eight step essay guide to help out students with an excellent compare and contrast essay. Let’s roll in!

Writing A Compare And Contrast Essay

Step 1 – Choose Your Subject

To create a meaningful compare and contrast essay, your two elements of comparison must be different but in the same category. It is just like if you want to write an essay on two different historical personalities then it has to make a sense by selecting two great politicians, two great writers or two great artists rather than on artist and one politician or one writer and one politician. It will create logical, comparative data and help your readers to understand your point quickly.

Some compare and contrast essay example are;

  • Extroverts And Introverts
  • Modigliani And Picasso
  • Herbivorous And Carnivorous
  • Vegetarians And Meat Eaters
  • Orthodox And Catholicism
  • Mozart And Salieri

Step 2 – Brainstorm Difference Between Comparison And Contrast

After selecting the topic, make two lists; one for differences and another for similarities. A Venn diagram is an ideal tool to make it easier and helps the writer to facilitate the process smoothly.

To design a Venn diagram, create two overlapping circles. One circle is for each topic of comparison. Differentiating traits can be noted separately, while similarities can be placed in the overlapping space of both loops. 

Hence, this visual will create a helpful aid by organizing differences and similarities clearly. It is recommended to keep both sections parallel to structure a good argument.

Step 3 – Centralise Your Main Argument

To make a meaningful statement on your topic, take your essay beyond a simple listing of similarities and differences. Stick to the broader aspect and include the most relevant facts to back your statements.

Primary and secondary research methods are relatively helpful to make an acceptable referencing section of your context. Connect each point to your argument genuinely with the significance to the reader.  Create a robust central hypothesis to discuss and then relate it at each end to strike.

Step 4 – Structure Your Content

There are three possibilities to structure a compare-and-contrast essay while respecting the difference between comparison and contrast.

  • Introduce your purpose of the essay. Write about one element in detail and then switch to others. Conclude your argument. This is a beginner’s kind of format.
  • Introduce your purpose of the essay and briefly define both of your elements. Then write a section on common qualities or similarities of both elements then create a separate area on the differences. After that, summarize your points in the conclusion. This will give a transparent view of your topic to readers.
  • After an introduction, you can state your argumentative points one by one and then discuss both elements within the same heading. This structure of an essay is a bit tricky yet very appealing to those who want an in-depth idea on the topic.

Therefore, choose a structure that makes sense to your writing style and suits your argument.

Step 5 – Create An Outline

After learning how to structure an essay, it’s time for the outline. An ideal outline is meant to breakdown the flow of an essay and gives you compare and contrast essay structure. It includes main points to cover.

You can divide the allotted word count into your pre-decided section so that you can have a clear picture on which section or point needs more weightage in the entire essay.

Also, you can adjust the areas as per the requirements prior to writing. An outline helps to combine repetitive points, and it helps the writer to focus more. It saves a lot of time, as well.

Step 6 – Fill In Supporting Evidence

As we mentioned in the 3rd step, backing up assertions with researched pieces of evidence or documented experiences is always good to make your essay authentic. Moreover, some of the successful compare and contrast essay example topics need personal statements like if you are comparing and contrasting pets, personal anecdotes of pet owners can bolster your argument.

Similarly, if you are comparing and contrasting poets or writers, quotes from their writings will support your statement. Furthermore, it is crucial to explain why particular information matters to your content, thus make sure to explain it with your argument. Crowd Writer is the best online firm to support you with every kind of essay writing, hence if you find it difficult then you can reach us out anytime.

Step 7 – Include Strong Transitional Words

While writing compare and contrast essay, it is important to make it easy to flow. Also, engaging readers with the smoothness of your words is critical, especially in dry subjects. Here transitional words will save the world.

Transitional words give a nice flow to the essay from a statement to another. To form a contrast; use words such as, "on the other hand", "nonetheless" and "whereas". While for an ideal compare, use words like "likewise", "similarly" and "both".

Step 8 – Carefully Proofread And Revise

Congratulations if you have reached to this step. Once you have finished the milestone of writing, it is time to proofread your essay. Check for grammar, spell and punctuation mistakes by reading your content several times.

There are multiple online tools available to check for any grammatical and spell mistakes. Also, go for a plagiarism check to make sure your work is unique and fresh.

Moreover, get a friend to cast a fresh pair of eyes on your mistakes. People are often psychologically blind towards their own mistakes, and a new person can help to find out those silly mistakes.


Hopefully, the above steps will help you to find a better way to write a compare and contrast essay. By following them, you will surely not fail to impress your readers. In case you stuck yourself somewhere, don’t worry, Crowd Writer UK have a dedicated team, to take you out from your academic problems. Good Luck!

Author Bio:
Laura Brown

Laura Brown, a senior content writer who writes actionable blogs at Crowd Writer.