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Set The Stage: How To Write A Research Paper Introduction

By Laura Brown on 31st March 2024

Are you planning to start with your research paper introduction? Your answer must be Yes! This is the reason you have landed on this page. By this time, you may also have completed your proposal. If, not, you may need a guide to write a research proposal.

But, if you are done with it and now looking forward to your research proposal, the first step would be to understand how to write an introduction of a research paper. Let’s not wait anymore and directly dig into the guide. We have prepared 9 simple steps with which you can master writing an introduction to a research paper!

How To Write A Research Paper Introduction In 9 Easy Steps

Step 1: Provide An Overview

As you plan to comprehend the steps on how to write a research paper introduction, let’s kick things off by giving your readers a bird’s-eye view of your research.

Provide a brief overview of what your paper will cover and highlight the key topics and areas of focus. This sets the stage for what’s coming up and gives your readers a roadmap they can follow.


Social media has become an integral part of daily life for millions worldwide. Its pervasive influence extends beyond social interactions to various aspects of society, including mental health. This paper aims to explore the complex relationship between social media usage and mental well-being, shedding light on its multifaceted impact.

Step 2: Discuss The Significance

Next, you need to describe why your research matters. It is essential to discuss the significance of your topic. So, you need to highlight its relevance and importance in the broader context.

For this, you can explain why your readers should care about your research! Moreover, you should tell your readers how it contributes to existing knowledge or addresses a gap in the literature.


The significance of this research lies in the growing concern over the potential effects of excessive social media use on mental health. With the rise of social media platforms, concerns about increased stress, anxiety, and depression have emerged, prompting a need for comprehensive analysis and understanding.

Step 3: Identify Your Research Problems

Once you are done with significance, it’s time to pinpoint the specific problems or questions your research aims to address.

Here, you need to identify the challenges, gaps, or uncertainties in the current understanding of your topic that you are planning to resolve or explore. This part can be used to clarify the purpose of your study.


Despite the abundance of research on social media and mental health, gaps and inconsistencies persist. This study seeks to address key research problems, such as the nuanced effects of different social media platforms, the role of user behavior, and the influence of societal norms and perceptions.

Step 4: Outline The Objectives

To outline the objectives of your study, you should clearly state what you aim to achieve through your research. No matter if it’s to answer specific questions, test hypotheses, or provide insights into a particular phenomenon.

Remember that your objectives serve as guiding principles for your study and they will go on to shape the direction and focus of your research. If you feel like facing difficulty while identifying the objectives of your research, our research paper writing service has always got your back.


Our objectives are twofold: first, to examine the various ways in which social media impacts mental health, including both positive and negative effects; and second, to identify strategies for promoting mental well-being in the digital age.

Step 5: Define The Scope

The fifth step is to define the scope of your research. Now this is a critical step which will define where you can go as a researcher.

You should specify the boundaries and limitations of your study. Also, mention the specific aspects or variables you will focus on and those you will exclude. With this, you can define on how you will be managing your research.

Defining your scope also allows you to conduct a thorough investigation within the constraints of your resources and time frame.


This study focuses primarily on the psychological implications of social media use among young adults aged 18-30. We acknowledge that other demographic groups may experience unique challenges, but for the purpose of this paper, we will concentrate on this demographic due to its high social media engagement and susceptibility to mental health issues.

Step 6: Acknowledge Limitations

It’s essential to acknowledge any potential limitations or constraints that may affect your research. You should always be transparent about factors such as time, resources, or access to data that could impact the scope or outcomes of your study.

Think about it in depth and check out for the lack of resources that can really impact your research!

By acknowledging these limitations upfront, you can demonstrate a realistic and honest approach to your research. It will pave the way for highlighting opportunities for future inquiry or refinement.


It’s important to recognise the limitations of this study, including the reliance on self-reported data, the potential for selection bias, and the dynamic nature of social media platforms. These limitations may impact the generalisability of our findings and should be considered in interpreting the results.

Step 7: Propose Methodology

As you plan on how to write an intro for a research paper, methodology stands tall at the seventh step. Outline the methodology you plan to use to conduct your research, be it primary or secondary research. You need to discuss the specific techniques, procedures, or approaches you are going to employ to gather and analyse data.

Whether your methodology involves qualitative interviews, quantitative surveys, or experimental design, provide a rationale for your chosen approach and explain how it aligns with your research objectives.


Our methodology will involve a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys to assess social media usage patterns and mental health outcomes with qualitative interviews to explore individual experiences and perceptions. This approach allows for a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between social media and mental well-being.

Step 8: Present Your Thesis Statement

Now finally it’s time to introduce your thesis statement, which succinctly summarises the main argument or central claim of your research paper.

Make sure that you are writing a clear, concise, and debatable thesis statement. Do not forget to mention the key insights or conclusions you intend to support throughout your paper.

You may ask why is it necessary to provide a thesis statement so early. It is essential so that you can provide readers with a roadmap for understanding the overarching purpose and focus of your research.


This paper argues that while social media can have both positive and negative impacts on mental health, its overall effect depends on various factors, including individual differences, usage patterns, and platform design. By examining these factors, we aim to provide insights into how social media can be leveraged to promote mental well-being in today’s digital society.

Step 9: Describe The Structure

Finally, the last step on how to make an introduction in a research paper involves describing the structure of your research paper. You need to provide an overview of the structure of your research paper.

  • Briefly outline the main sections or chapters of your paper
  • Explain how they contribute to your overall argument or analysis.
  • Consider including subsections or key points within each section
  • Give your readers a preview of the content that is coming.

Remember that it is a crucial step! Describing the structure of your paper helps your readers navigate through the document and understand the logical progression of your ideas.


The paper is structured as follows: first, we will review the existing literature on social media and mental health to provide context for our study. Next, we will present our methodology and findings, followed by a discussion of the implications for research and practice. Finally, we will conclude with recommendations for future research and interventions.

Concluding On How To Write A Research Paper Introduction

Coming up with an introduction for your research paper is a simple task! Students often consider it a challenging one, but if you are able to divide it into smaller chunks, you will be able to attempt it smoothly.

We have divided the whole process of how to write an introduction in a research paper into 9 simple steps. This is our take on how students should proceed with it. What’s your say? Did you find this post valuable? Do not forget to share your views with us.

Let Us Answer Your Queries

  • How long should an introduction be in a research paper?

    The introduction is typically 10% of your complete research. You need to keep it short. For a research paper of around 10,000 words, you need to write a 1000-word introduction.

  • How do I write an introduction for a research paper?

    Writing an introduction to your research paper is quite simple. All you need is to begin with background information, state the research problem, and highlight the significance. Then present the thesis statement, and outline the paper’s structure in a clear and engaging manner.

  • How to write a good introduction for a research paper?

    If you are willing to write a good introduction for your research paper, follow these 3 tips.
    – State your research problem clearly.
    – Start your intro with an engaging hook-up line.
    – Demonstrate the significance of your research to your field of study.

Author Bio:
Laura Brown

Laura Brown, a senior content writer who writes actionable blogs at Crowd Writer.